Меню Затваряне

Vocational English Training for Woodworking Industry – Testbook

The Test Book contains 10 tests, called Test Yourself, following the topics of theoretical training modules, included in the Student’s Book. The exercises, included in the tests, are primarily lexical exercises that aim at presenting and practicing the vocabulary of the unit topic; at the same time they provide the learners with additional information. Answers to all exercises included in the tests are given in details in the Key.
The training materials, included in this book, are applicable in vocational college schools, universities and any short-term or long-term vocational training of woodworking company staff and as training materials for lifelong learning for individuals employed in the Woodworking Industry sector.

Vocational English Training for Woodworking Industry

ISBN 978-954-337-115-0
Обем: 90 стр.
Формат: 16/70×100